The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

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ixfOa -vc' ''t1 "tyf'' rt kt M-ft 'i-'i'T 1 1 i ii i i ii TT-v-At -a- '---tv -51 lie SECTION ONE TWO PARTS VOL 2 NO 194 WEATHER: UNSETTLED TONIGHT AND TUESDAY PROBABLY LIOHT SNOW NOJ MUCH CHANGE IN TEMPERATUR TONIGHT COLDER TUESDAY COVINGTON KY MONDAY JANUARY 12 1925 PRICE TWO CENTS Ml LI IE SHE COMPETES WITH SOCIETY LANDS PLUM NEAR DEATH JOHN ERNST IS SINKING Banker Is in Serious Condition at Hospital RUNS AWAY TO DODGE EXAMS Bellevue Police Are Searching for School Girl Wearing Apparel Valued at $3000 Is Taken From Lock on Rear Door Sign in front of The Mazer Department Store 523 Madison-av Covington Monday had a deeper mean' ing than aucli signs usually indicate for the store had been partly cleared by thieves sometime Sunday Men and clothing ConnetfM Comment FOR AUTOIST valued by the Mazer brothers between $2500 and $3000 was taken The loot included several ex pensive overcoats The robbery was discovered Monday by Maurice and David Mazer when they opened the store' Entrance had been Had Told Schoolmates of Intention to Go to Chicago Dread of examinations due next week at the BeHevue schools where she was an eighth grade pupil is pe-lisved to havs oaussd Evelyn Pence 13 to run away-from her home 233 Lateyette-av Bellevue She disappeared from her house late Sunday night or early Monday morning taking-with her all of her clothing and an Ivory toiled act Missed by Moil Her Absence was discovered by Mrs Edward Pence her stepmother 'j when she went to caN her for school Covers on her 'bed were In disaray indicating that she had been In the xbed Footprints In the snow led from the house towards the street car Ella Redmond-line girl and was told she had threatened to go to relatives in Chicago to avoid taking her exams Telegranh Relatives Police have telegraphed relatives JOHN REDMOND SELECTS JURY Three Commissioners Ella Fodmond 830 Covington wife of SENATOR HURRIES HOME Has Been Prominent in Cov ington Business Circles Little hope was held Monday for the recovery of John Ernst president of the Covington Savings Bank and Trust Co? who suffered a relapse Sunday at Jewish Hospital where he has heen al patient during the past week Reports from his bedside were he seethed slightly Improved but that his condition was Ernst Is 71 years old He has seen engaged In the hanking business In Covington for the greater part 'of his life and became president of tne Covington Savings Bank and Trust Co at the death of his father William Erast who was Its first president Senator Richard Ernst arrived from Washington Monday morning and went Immediately to his brother's bedside Hlr-daughters' Mrs Lawrence Jones and Mrs Robert Hackney also were with him Mrs EDITOR THE KENTUCKY POST: TJkc other law-abiding citizens I am greatly pleased at tho decision of Judg Lew Manson the -latest decision I mean to fine all speeders (2 per mile I can Imagine nothing mors -reprehensible than speeding a motor TRADE SMITH car beyond the limit set by law I can forgive and forget petty offenses such as bootlegging moonshlnlng handbook operation murder and arson but I cannot understand how any person would let himself sink so far below the moral scale as to drive an auto too fast I applaud ths action of Judge Man-son but I regret to say that I find a great divergence In his court and that of Judge Matt Moore ln Newport For instance in parallel columns Saturday there was reported the case of a Covington boy fined (94 for speeding in Covington and a1 Ft Mitchell youth fined (3 for not not-tlcing a stop sign in Newport That seem right does ltf I think a minimum fine of (50 should be established in traffic cues Judge Manson says the speed limit Is 15 miles In thescongested district and 20 miles elsewhere Thus they contend If a man is speeding 21 miles an hour in (he residential district he should be fined Mill Employe Is Hit on legal gained by jimmying a lock on a rear door James lliggins and Mason barker detectives- have been assigned to the -case worWIaten Heretofore some Society girt in silk anil furs has been chosen quota of San Francisco's Mardl Gras But It may- bo different this year 'Constance White a telephone operator has been chosen by a committee of business men to -compete with the social lights for the queenship Mrs Covington -a Redmond was appointed Monday gnd are making inquiries at railroad morning by Judge Leslie Apple- stations to lean whether a girl gats' of Kenton Circuit Court ae answering her description had bought member of the Board of Jury Com- a ticket for Chicago mlssloners to Jill the appointment When she left the house she wore last week Of Miss -Lucy Blackburn a brown coat and a brown beaver who declined to accept sailor hat her parents said 8he had Mrs: Redmond has been active In black bobbed hair with bangs and Democratic politics for some time large blue eyes Miss' Blackburn appeared Monday Pence lighter at it morning before Judge Applegate and Thomas la a brother of the girl and Judge K-Harbeson with John ta assisting In tile search Stoutberg 216 Slxth-st Henry Faust 2933 Decoursey-av La-tonia Henry Harding 139 Blxth-st appointed as Jury commissioners last week She told Judge Applegate that ow-1 Ing to several business and pleasure1 s- trips tobe taken during the nexxt MOOnSnffiC AITCStSin NCQTO PAY ON INCOMES governmwit In Income taxes during with (20090118 In 1921 Robert at Louisville announces government In Kentucky for the year against (50555980 In 1021 as follows: stock (687969 estate $356255 sales (962 tobacco stamps (0818877 Atamps (1162809 documentary (221835 years since 1920 were: 1922 (92908980 1923 (36--075111- With Bottles Newport police Monday were seek- Ing three men who attacked Paul Sonic steelworker 1043 Central-av Newport at Ninth and Brighton streets Sunday night Snnlc told Arthur Williams police captain Fred Warrington and Thos few months It would be impossible for her to accept the -position-- The Other- members of the commission -Were instructed by Judge Redmond and Washington streets Covington will day Jail by Judge Manson In Covington Police Court Monday when he pleaded guilty to a charg of possessing moonshine whisky Manning Stewart "alias- negro 728 Washington-st was held by Judg Manson to await the action of the county grand Jury -under (2000 bond on charges of delivering and giving money to a minor to buy moonshine whisky Williams charged Stewart had given him 3 to buy a half gallon Parent-Teachers Association of jug of moonshine He said after Eighth District School will meet buying the whisky he was arrested Tuesday at 239 at the achool-U he left the building Following the arrest of Williams Davton Puthoff Neal Regan 'detective and Patrolman Joseph rsrent Association will Eyerman raided a building on West hold 1U first meeting in the new Eighth-st and found a mu nn Dayton High School Auditorium tlty of --whisky and sev-Thursday 2 eral empty five-gallon cans which MASONS ADMIT Newport Royal Arch Chapter Will Be Inspected One of the largest classes ever admitted to tho Olivo Branch Chapter No 76 A M- will bo initiated Thursday night beginning at 6:45 Mars high priest announced Monday Tho Initiation waa to have been held Tuesday night but was' postponed' to accommodate traveling candidates On Feb- 21 members of the Newport chapter will have as their guests -the Ft Thomas Dayton and Covington chapters at which Frank Raah-deputygrxT)d-hlgh- priest of -Earllngton and John Logan Rees Covington grand master of second veil of the grand -chapter will Inspect Olive Branch Chapter An entertainment With refreshments Will follow' the Initiation Thursday night FLIGHT DENIED Parked Auto Was Damaged in Collision Report that tho Occupant of Nor- dsntoit'SlMiiiitriM tUr ne aojo othe? tuto Hty at 17 became 1U and died years ago all tho mother's szsZuSJsrs Eteke- 10 of 615 Lexington -av Newport hla son Toung Curran-said there woe no one In the auto when the Crash oc ourred He said he was visiting In tne vicinity and ran to the scene when he heard the crash said would reach 1174 Police had 'reported they were pussled because occupants of both ot Hie held' Wednesday at lMued Conception Church Mrs Stella Bloomfield Newport' KENTUCKIANS 1 4284640 Kentucky paid to the federal 1924 $14284640 as compared Lucas collector of Internal revenue Total taxes levied by the Just ended were (28401716 as The taxes collected in 1924 were Income (14284640 capital (1419090 spirits (34680(2 tobacco cigar stamps (504001 cigarette stumps (222141' miscellaneous The totals of all taxes for the 1930 (88995551 1921 (50555980 MOTHER'S LDSS Second Son Dies Before Able to Graduate 'v Mrs Ellxubeth Stertmeyer -413 Lindseyot Newport Is' never to know that proud moment in a mother life when she sees her son graduate and embark oil his career She had tntro Harry and for whom she had planned great ihSngfc wliteh were to' be grounded in as good' a schooling as ihe was able to give them When He waa a pupil at Newport High School and made a record In athletics especially In football where he phiyed tackle He was completing tho last year of high school and would have -graduated in June but again the hopes were to be blasted make became 111 of typhoid fever and Sunday night he died He was 19 yean old Funeral services probably' will be Immaculate Broad well patrolmen Mint the meo i tth going to pffer-a- prleet'ttrtar hit him on the head- with beer-hot CoYington motor -car Owner who can -ties and 'then ran He claimed that solemnly he been ar- he did not know who they were and 1 rested cltaAr even -warned for pould not give a description of any 1 traffic law vioptlons (alleged) during of them the past six months Senlo was taken to the Rolling Mill Another prise Will go to the aute hospital where his wounds were driver who will admit he Is guilty dressed He was then removed to I the offense charged his home HoweVee no admission of guilt or protestation of -Innocence Is necessary In oourt) A motorist Is deemed guilty until be proves himself innocent And let him try to prove himself Innocent! He should Uve so Ions! as Mr Perlmutter once said I have instructed my Covington constables to- follow out the same pUn adopted by the Newport branch SOCIETY ELECTS William Brungs Heads Cathedral Holy Name Body Officers of the Cathedral Holy Name Society elected Sunday after-: SfTurration-LS'ii TRACKED IN THE SNOW had contained whisky After the raid (fleers arrested Stewart on an affidavit sworn to by Williams in a Waahlngton-at restau- The wmupanta of the room where whlaky was found escaped five-gallon cans filled with moonshine were found later In an areaway on Russell-st where la undoubtedly had been carried when the officers were breaking In the court by wuilam and Justus Goebel who do businee as Lowry A Goebel WeBt Cincinnati agnrt Margaret Baker jjer Bros Co of BeUev Cincinnati and the Bellevue pontiff alteges that Margaret Baker purchased furniture valued at friend In Richmond will hold their regular meeting Thure- day night aU 730 o'clock i Epworth E- Church will hold a prayer meeting Wednesday night at 730 o'clock Ludlow JOHN ERNST LIMERICK PRIZE IS AWARDED Forrest Ford Jr Covington Wins Contest No 30 Forrest Ford Jr-115 Eighth-st Covington wine the $1 prise offered for the beet last line for Kentucky Poet Limerick No 20 printed last Monday Hera la how he finished the limerick: The neighborhood utcher McQuale Eventually landed in Jail For when he weighed meat Folkt found Mat cheat -And now he's like a ship (without a tale) limerick was (he last in the dally Lost Line Limerick Contests Names of last winners will appear every day this week Next Sunday however there will be a (25 prise limerick contest In the Sunday Kentucky Post TIES UP- MONEY frj-i Wife Suing for -Divorce Says Husband Struck Her i Two divorce suits were filed Monday In Kenton Circuit Court by Mrs Iva Wilson against A Wilson cafe owner at Sixth and Washington streets' Covington and Alex Purdle against CecHla Purdle of 114 Thlrd-st 'Mrs Wilson alleged In her petition that her husband bad struck her and had refused to support her and her four children She also asks for a restraining order from the court to prevent her husband from removing money from a Covington bank Purdle in bis petition alleged abandonment jtIMTdies Retired Farmer of Boone-co Is Summoned Funeral of James Gaines 77 retired Boone-co termer who died at the home of hla daughter Mrs Chester Davis Commonweal th-av Covington Sunday will bo held Tuesday P- from the Davis residence Burial will be at Bulletteburg Ky hla former home Gaines and his wife came to the home of their daughter six weeks ago to spend the winter Declining health had made it inadvisable to go to Florida as had been their custom for several winters Gaines was a member of the Baptist Church YOUTH NOME Covington Boy Made Trip to Lexington Police Told English Bailey 15 425 Flfth-st Corjngton returned home Sunday from Lexington The youth bad been missing since Friday Shortly before the return his tether Martin Bailey notified Covington police Bailey told police bis son refused to tell him why ho had left home or why ho had gone to Lexington WOMANlSlELD Three Under Bond as Result of Newport Liquor Raid Helen Eppley alias Helen Smith Cincinnati Jack Folia rd and Donald Hair of Newport were released Mon day by Oscar Roetkin 8' 2222? wnd" mnd IIan of poeseesing intoxicating liquor James Wood and Ii Harrington prohibition agents with Newport police Saturday night raided a building at Sixth and Brigh- gallons of boeSe-brr beer and a small quantity of moonshine whisky DECLINES PLUMBING POST Resignation of John Harks was accepted Monday at a eiiecial meeting of Covington city commissioners when Hanks mid that he could not accept the appointment as a member of the new plumbing board tendered him last week because of business duties Ed Kerter wen appointed by com-ausriocscs la placa jilispah Ca of JUidlud Chris- on Wwt tlan Church gave a pretty -party agBth-at house Tuesday evening in the- Sunday school rooms of the church for their teacher Mrs Slater who was crowned queen of the evening at the affair The rooms -were beautifully decorated in red and green The guests were Invited to the dining room which was attractively decorated In white and gold where 50 covers were laid at a table decorated with candles In white and old After the dinner anumber of ROCKS HURLED Family Awakened When Windows Are Smashed 0n Swartx JIM'S AN UNCLE NOW Baby Is Named After James Fuller Newport Detective James Fuller Newport detective Monday was preparing to send hla namesake Fuller an appropriate present The boy la the son of Jack Wim-burg and wife Second-et Newport Mrs Wlmburg is Fuller's sister He arrived a few days ago at St Elisabeth Hospital they have Xh eday soon will come- and It is about when to own an auto will be a criminal offenee punishable by hanging or being talk- ad to death by a congressman: I lators of the stop ordinance more numerus and fines more plentiful Cfonnie Conner says she wonders If anybody remembers when our courts were halls of Justice instead of revs nue-produclng agencies dead 1 that la Yours for autosuggestion DR- Li CONNER WINN FUNERAL HELD Bellevue Auto Victim Is Laid te Rest In Evergreen Cemetery Funeral of Amos A IWnn 60 of 110 Van Voagt-av Bellevue who wns nilled Wednesday-when hla automobile overturned at Portsmouth was held Monday from his residence with burial In Evergreen Ometery Wnn wait station ary engineer at Chatfleld A Woods Paper Co Mrs Winn and Everett Winn 214 Bellevue -who were In ths auto with him escaped with minor bruise They were on their way to the funeral of a relative at Huntington aY when the tragedy occurred STEPDAUGHTER SUES Wants fay for Papering Rooms and Keeping House Father and stepsister of Elmer Hall Newport bandit who is under sentence of death at the Eddyville Penitentiary Eddyville Ky wers parties to a suit filed in Campbell County Circuit Court Monday The stepdaughter Elsie Buchad-an 618 Lindaay-st Newport asks for a total of 145736 from ths tether Albert a Hall She alleges that she papered 13 rooms in their home which she thinks is worth (60 sewed for five years for which she desires (150 kept house five weeks ip 1921 $95 made two trips to Paris to see the bandit brother and took six people (85 paid coal bills amounting te (22 for work and material for fu neral shroud for Hall's wife (293( and for a floral bill of (10 Thomas Hardesty Jr represents the plaintiff STOLEN AUTO IS FOUND An auto stolen from Stanley Kucb-ler 3137 Vine-st Cincinnati in front of 1211 Vine-st Cincinnati about 1036 o'clock Sunday night wns recovered at 236 a Sunday morning by James Fuller and John rhist-ner Newport city detectives at Chestnut and Brighton street a GIRL 9 HIT BY AUTO Condition of Lucille Wright VI Sever th-er Covington struck by the automobile owned police say by Flury of 1816 Highway Seventh and Scott streets Surdur wns reported as improved at htr home Monday She received erv-rd cuts and bruises FARMER SENTENCED Given 30 Days and Fined 100 In Boose Csss Slater 42 farmer of Boone-co Ky was fined (100 and costs and sentenced -to 80 -days' in Covington city Jail Monday by Judge Man-son irt Covington 'Police Court on a charge of possessing moonshine whisky Slater was' arrested on Madison-av Saturday carrying a grip containing quarts of' moonshine liquor- 10 5 2 10 10 10 1 5 1 $154 toasts were offered and the guests and James ruery all of Cin- turned over a New lear nnatl was continued until Wednes-Alter that they returned to the arralgne by school rooms where games and mu- Moots In Newport Po- a with drunkenness disorderly conduct and destruction of property while Woodfll! was charged with drunkenness disorderly conduct de- Cincinnati after spending several gtruction of property and resisting weeks with her parents Joseph 8cott an officer and wirt 1 The trio was arrested by Thomas Charles lylor and wife entertained Bros dwell August Sc boo and Ray-withaO o'clock dinner tor -G- mond Hawthorne patrolmen foltow-Renaker and wife and John Surface ng disturbance at tbs home of and wife John Butxner Ninth and Brighton Mrs Charles Smith of Madison- gtreets pike is spending a few weeks with Butxner told polios that ho was her parents Ben Rouse and wife of awakened shortly after 0 o'clock Gunpowder Sunday morning by the sound of a Mose Aylor and wife entertained crash When he Investigated he as-13 of their relatives and frlenda at eru he found the trio hurling rocks their home near Hebron with a thru hia window dinner When Broadwell attempted to ar- Misa Rachael Pottenger has re- rest Woodflll he claims that the turned from a visit with relatives In latter lunged at his with a knife (50OOO SLANDER SUIT -L Petit 8ay TIilnigH Said Too Bad to Put is Willing Sum of (50000 iq asked in a suit for damages filed In Campbell County Court Monday' by Lemuel A Faulkner 1010 Fourth-av Dayton Ky against John Harney 408 Fifth-av Dayton Ky Faulkner alleges Harney made a vile and slanderous remark concerning him In- the presence iff Frank Ortlleb -Dayton chief of police and Patrolman Fleming He asserted- that the things said about him were bad -to place In petition" John' Da via represents Faulkner OFFICER IS SUED Would Collect Damages in Arrest A Jury waa being impaneled In Campbell County Circuit Court Monday morning to 'try a milt for (5000 damages brought by Malcolm McHenry -former operative for three Newport ministers against David Murphy Newport city detective and the Fidelity A Deposit Co of Mary land McHenry claims that he was falsely arrested May 13 1924-when he brought whisky to police headquarters In answer to a summons from Louls Reuncher Police Court prosecutor It was alleged The whisky was -purchased by McHenry from Catherine Becker Fourth 'and Isabella streets Newport and was to be1 used In' Police Court as evidence against her-McHenry asserts that he had already sworn to an affidavit against Mrs Becker and was acting in good faith when arrested by Murphy He says that he was worthwlth thrown Into Jail and was dater forced to suffer the humUlatimi of being the defendant of a criminal proceeding' Horace Root represents McHenry -J CTawford represents the bonding company- and Louis -Rcuscher and George Ilerold are attorney for Murphy tria1Tateset Newport Men Face Com missioner in Raid Emma Michael and Peter Schaffer of Fourth and Isabella streets Newport were released for a hearing Jan 23 on bonds of (1000 and (500 by Oscar-H Roetken 8 commissioner at Covington Monday on charge of possessing moonshine whisky James Wood Covington prohibition agent and Harrington agent raided a building at Fourth and Isabella streets Saturday night and found a small quantity of moon-shins liquor they allege MISS CARRIE DAILEY DIES Funeral of Miss Carrie Dailey 57 former Covington 'residents who died at her home In Oshkosh Wb was held Monday at the AlSbn Rose funeral chapel Rev Mo-Ginley conducted the service Silas alley was the daughter of John Dailey city marshal in Covington in 1S70-1S71 DEAD LISP liCOM PILED A list of coses" was being prepared by William Newell Campbell County Circuit 0urt clerk and Judge A Caldwell Monday These are cases nl which litigation been stopped by consent ef both parties dent Frank Reckera vice president John Thelssen recording secretary James A Hayden financial secretary Joseph Thelssen treasurer Fenl Decker delegate and Ferd Decker Leo Ante Dorger oonsultors The new president succeeds hla brother Joseph Brungs who retired HEAR ACCIDENT 1 Cars Avoid Clash But Drivers Do Not 31 Watson former Cold Spring! Ky was fined (15 and costs by fudge Manson in Covington Police Court Monday on a charge of dlsorderely conduct It was alleged that following a nesrecMent at Third and Russell streets Saturday Watson knocked down Nelson Shafer 16 of 23 Oooperst Ludlow Harry Haines epe cop who made the arrest suld that occord--ng to Information of witnesses Wht-on undoubtedly failed to stop while coming north on Russril-st and Hhafor who was driving on Thlrd-st was forced to drive ids car Into the- curb DRIVER IS ACCUSED Held to Grand Jury on Charge of Being Intoxicated Fields negro 1307 Bank-llck-st Covington was held to await the action of the county grand Jury under (600 bond by Judge I I Alan son of Covington Police Court on a charge of driving while Intoxicated Harry Haines speed cop arrested Fields at 10th and Scott streets Saturday following a collision at the Intersection Fields Is alleged to have attempted to turn into lOth-st on the wrong side of the street and struck an automobile driven by Melvin Boss of 1733 Greenup-st BULLETS ON CAR TRACK Covington police are searching for the boys responsible for the placing of several revolver cartridges on the street car rails on Thlrd-st Sunday When a Ludlow car pasaed they were exploded breaking the window glass of a cafe occupied by William Plner 228 Thlrd-st He notified police that someone had fired several shots teem the street car into his place of business MILL STRIKERS TO MEET A meeting of the four local of the striking steelworkers will he held at o'clock Morday'night at Central Ilall Ninth-at and Centrai-av Newport Reports will be made by the chairman of the four locals and by James Phillips general chairman of tho Central Committee Several prominent speakers will address the meeting The public is invited I i i i Ohio Law Fund Lags Covington people apparently are little interested in the sacrifice made by officers of the law 'V When Ben Law rushed out of his home in response to a cry for help he was performing his dtuy Ue did not reckon on what his death would mean to'his family- He simply knew thathe was an officer of the law and that it was his duty to try and prevent the store rob- bery then in progress He was shot -down by a bandit His widow and two minor children will be forced to get along on $42 a month the pension provided by the city' and by the policemen There's a $30fr mortgage resting on the little home The Kentucky Post is trying to raise a sufficient -fund to lift this mortgage and to provide for the family while it prepares to face the world without the head of the family Send all contributions to the Editor of The Kentucky Post Contributions to date are: Foltz Grocery Baking Co $100 Assisted by Hawthorne and Schoo he succeeded In subduing him Request for continuance- of the casef was made by Daniel Davis at-Taylorot Methodist Church wDl torney for Druery and Swartx and lurid rummage sale at the church C- Hall attorney tor Woodflll 121 Thlrd-st Saturday from 9 HT BILL UNPAID: CHARGE Sons of rimin' Auxiliary No z9 S2SeYSS: cincWUralture Company Seek past national representative will pre- (1061 From Woman tide Collection of (100160 Is sought in Miss Clara Bamberger has railed a Miss Clara Bamberger has celled a a petition filed In ChmpbeU Circuit BMetlng or the Immaouteta Alumni for Tuesday 730 mM at the acad i-SF Fonrth Jliss Helen Muenrti 46 Fourth- st Newport who underwent an oper- atlon at Speers Hospital is conva- lewing st ner home nJWrttr CmnpWLe patroV Uck- mobito ttat he found the Uck- Lilley United Labor Press Association Frisud John Doming 21st and Russell streets -ymii Mehring 19th and Holman Sts A Jack Day Percival Mrs Hurd and ciamled that ths last ln-ing plks tk lurday afternoon IA eber raiment was paid July 14 1924 said that the car had wrecked ginra that time the defendant had vw nLntantT rued to payment- car at hs Irnme pending its identi- -lher Bros CO was made a party ucatlon hy the oen to the notion because the furniture is stored in Its warehouse Oscar Forster represents ths plaintiff Members af tho chJr and DEAD OF BANISTER FALL gation or St Luke Mechodlst Epia-1 dd copal Church will give a concert at BEREA KTVS Wyatt te dsta ths ehurch on 18th and Scoumrast 1 Total (TURN TO PAGE THREEJ.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.