Runcorn Weekly News from Runcorn, Cheshire, England (2024)

WIDNES DISTRICT CARRIED ON CYCLE. Matthew Gilhooley, aged 22, of 88 Walmsley Street, Widnes, was tined 6s. at Widnes on Monday for being carried on a cycle not COnStrUCted or adapted for the carriage of more than one person. Police evidence wa to the effect that the defendant was seated on the saddle the cycle, while another cyclist, a juvenile, was pedalling. NO FRONT the Widnes Pollee Court on 31onday, Harold Littler, aged 20, of Chapel Lane, Crouton, was fined lis.

for riding his cycle in 'Victoria Road, Widnes, without a front white light at 11-10 p.m. on the 13th January. When stopped by a policeman, he said Is it out?" W. 11. it.

Simmons at the Widnes Police court on Monday, obtained a forthwith commitment order for 14 days. against William Redmond, of 34 Waterloo Road, Widnes, for arrears to income tax amounting, with court costs, to 42 Se. 3d. Mr. Simmons said that on the 21st December an order was made for the payment of Li Ws.

9d. and mats, but this had not been paid and the total now owing was £2 ss. 3d. HOUSE advertisem*nt appearing in our issue of last week Messrs. Hopper and Davies, Housing Estate Derby Road, Widnes, should have read that the houses are on oder from L.

359. ST. AMBROSE, Chun ii Army Mission was started on "Lsli Wednesday at St. Ambrose Clinrch, Widnes under the leadership of Captain Thompson and Captain Gracie. Seryices are being each evening for a fortnight and are attracting large congregations.

The first of the Women's Lenten services was held on Thursday last week, the speaker being Mrs. Dwelly. She gave a inspiring talk on The Treasures of Heaven." YOUTH meeting! last Sunday was held in Wesley Memorial Hall, under the leadership of Mr. H. Morley, who after opening with prayer, intrixiuced half a dozen young people to give their experience of the Christian life.

They told simply of how their past sins of indifference, failure, drink, gambling and fear had been conquered by surrendering their lives to Christ, and of how they were helped in their everyday lives by the power and love of their Saviour. It was a joy to hear the experiences of so many ordinary young people. The meeting on Sunday evening will be held in Trinity Church, Waterloo Road. HARTLAND METHODISTS. A home missionary meeting was held on Monday night when the Rev.

A. E. Riley speaking on "The men and the money of Methodism," described in detail the "machinery" of Methodism, and the administration of its finances. Although the meeting was only sparsely attended, mostly due to sickness, those present greatly appreciated the enlightenment as to what became of their contributions put in the collection box week by week. Mr.

T. Watts was the chairman and he thanked the speaker for a most interesting and explanatory talk. BEEKEEPING LECTURE. An interesting lecture on Modern Beekeeping" has been arranged for the Methodist Schoolroom, Derby Road, Widnes, on Tuesday evening of next week. It is under the auspices of the Lancashire Beekeepers' Association and the Widnes and District Horticultural Society.

SUDDEN Monday, Mrs. Hannah Brown, aged 63, of Greenway Road, Widnes, was found in an unconscious condition at the top of the stairs of her home. She was removed to her bedroom but she passed away shortly afterwards. The facts were reported to the County Coroner but no inquest was deemed necessary. CYCLISTS' very successful dance was organized by the Widnes section of the Cyclists' Touring Club, on Wednesday of last week, at the Liberal ballroom.

Shocking weather conditions outside were in direct contrast to the cosy indoor atmosphere. The duties ot M.C. were capably carried out by Messrs. F. Morgan, and A.

L. Littlemore. "Spot" prizes were presented on behalf of the section by Miss B. L. Inman, to Miss F.

Davenport and Mrs. Allen, and Messrs. E. Leaback, and J. A.

Savage. MOOR LANE little community at Moor Lane Welsh Congregational Church, Widnes, foregathered for a most enjoyable evening on Wednesday at the invitation of Mrs. M. G. Williams of Cartref to a supper provided for all the members.

The function afforded the opportunity for a free and friendly association and an atmosphere of good fellowship was created redolent of the happy times so often experienced in the history of Moor Lane during the lifetime of the donor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas. After the sumptuous supper a merry time was spent in games, etc.

Before dispersing a vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. H. W. Hughes, and supported by Mr. Owen Jones in his usual humorous way.

Mrs. Williams responded and expressed her personal joy at seeing so many happy faces. WOMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE GUILD. The president (Mrs. Dennett) who occupied the chair on Tuesday, welcomed all members to the guild meeting.

A debate High dividend is better than low dividend" was much enjoyed. After a little discussion Mrs. Dennett and Mrs. Peover were thanked on the proposition of Mrs. Rutledge, seconded by Mrs.

Nevitt. YOUNG Monday evening the guild met under the direction of the Christian service Section when Mr. H. Green, M.A., spoke on The League of Nations," Mr. Green imparted an interesting insight into the work of the League.

A vote of appreciation was moved by Mr. J. Blackmore. A B. BamliPt (24), of Latham Street, Widnes, was summoned at Widnes yesterday for driving a light motor lorry on which the rear identification plate was not properly illuminated.

He was ordered to Pay 4s. costs and was urged to take the summons as a warning. MILTON Milton Sunday School hold their annual prize distribution on Sunday, when the Rev. W. J.

Geldeard (pastor) will the prizes being distributed by Mrs. Geldeard, Next Thursday the Coronation Sale of Work will be opened by the Mayoress. MAINTENANCE Graham (52) of Pitt Street, Widnes, was summoned at Widnes Sessions yesterday when his wife, Mary Graham, of Sinclair Avenue, Widnes, asked for a separation and maintenance order on the grounds of desertion. The defendant did not appear and a letter was read from him saying he admitted deserting his wife and was willing for a separation order to be granted against him. He offered to pay tys.

6d. a week. The wife said she was agreeable and an order for that amount was accordingly made. FOOTPATH obstructing the footpath in Albert Road, Widnes, the following defendants were each fined 6s. at Widnes yesterday: Vincent Marsh (so), of Pitville Terrace, Ditton; Edward Williams (i 8 of St.

Michael's Road, Dittos; George Williams (is), of Pitrille Cottages, Dimon; sad Albert Chambers (2 0 of Pitville Terrace, Ditton. For similar oftencts, the following were each fined John Bans (17), of Halebank Road, Halelxink John Woodward (171, Ronald Turton (18), and Leonard Fox (16), all of Harrison Street, Halebank. WITHOUT LIGHTS. William Preston (52) the driver of a horse-drawn lorry was fined tos. at Widnes yesterday for not having two white lights on the front of his vehicle and a further tos.

because he was without a red rear light. Leonard Macklin (to), of Park Road North, Newton-le-Willows, and Donald Wm. Robinson 28), of St. Michael's Church Road, Liverpool, were both summoned for not having front and rear lights on stationary motor vehicles. Macklin was fined JOS, for each offence and Robinson 6s.

HE DID NOT Durrant Graham (24), of Domville Road, Liverpool, visited the Widnes Police Court yesterday and had his name added to the list of those convicted for not stopping a motor vehicle at a point indicated by a Halt sign. He was fined PITCH AND of a dozen men who were seen to be playing pitch and toss on land off Ltigadale Road were summoned at the Widnes Sessions yesterday. They were Augustus John O'Connor (25), of Mossbank Road, Widnes; and Joseph Oaks (38), of St. Michael's Road, Widnes. It was stated that after watching the men playing for about ten minutes, they were approached by two police officers who were able to detain the two defendants.

The others got away. They were each fined 6s. CYCLIST Hopkins (35), of Moss Street, Widnes, was fined 6s. at Widnes yesterday for not having a red rear light or reflector on a pedal cycle. Kenny, aged fa, of 2 Appleton Lodge, who was injared when the scaffolding on which he was standing collapsed, and Harald Atkins (39), of 41 Edwin Street, who sustained a broken leg when a lorry bumped into him, have been admitted to the Accident Hospital.

FARNWORTH BOLD DID NOT Cavton, aged 19, of Stoneygate, ereston, did not appear at the Widnes Sessions on Monday to answer a summons for failing to conform to the Wilmere Lane halt sign, Bold, whilst driving a light mutr lorry. A police constable on duty in Wilmere Lane noticed the defendant drive over the crossing at a speed he at 15 per hour. He neither sounded his horn nor slackened his speed. When asked why be did not conform to the halt sign placed 29 yards from the cross-roads, he replied, I noticed the sign. I have no excuse for not stopping." The bench said that in view of the constable's evidence that he did rvit reduce his speed, the absent defendant would be fined 15s.

RUNCORN DISTRICT THE HALT I don't bother to stop at these things as I see them at almost every road nowadays," said Harry Shaw of Loch Street, Runcorn, a cyclist who was summoned at the Runcorn Sessions on Friday for not conforming to the halt sign in Lord Street. Shaw did not appear but he made the above remark when stopped by Constable Broster. He was fined 209. Charles H. Thompson, of izo Woodward Road, New Ferry, was fined a similar amount for failing to observe the halt sign at Clifton Road, Sutton Weaver.

The defendant, who failed to appear, was stated to have driven a 24ft. motor vehicle over the road junction without stopping. Philip Godsell, of 23 Thinmere Avenue, Stretford, Manchester, was fined los. for failing to observe the halt sign at Clifton Road when driving a motor car. Godsell appeared and explained that he was observing the traffic on the swingbridge and failed to notice the sign.

LEFT ENGINE D. Taylor, of sz Price Street, New Ferry, was fined ss. at Runcorn on Friday for quitting a motor vehicle in Bentinck Street, Runcorn, and leaving the engine running. LICENCE GRANTED. Leonard Hearne, the licensee of the Wilsons Hotel, Runcorn, was granted one hour's extension of permitted hours for to-morrow (Saturday) on the occasion of the re-union dinner of the xsth Cheshire Regiment.

CHILDREN'S public meeting organized by the Runcorn Branch of the National rnion of Teachers will be held in the Co-operative Cafe, Runcorn, on Wednesday, March 3rd, when Miss Susan Lawrence (lately Parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Health), Lind Mr. W. W. Ilill, M.A., B.Sc., will speak on "The Health of the School Child." MARRIAGE ARRANGED. A marriage has been arranged between Mr.

Richard Neville Brooke, only son of Sir Richard Brooke, and Lady Brooke, of Norton Priory, Cheshire, and Abberley, Worcestershire, and Lady Mabel Jocelyn, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Roden, of Tollymore Park, Co. Down. Lady Mabel was born in 1913. Her father was formerly a captain in the North Irish Horse and served during the war. Mr.

Brooke will be 2a this year. His father, Sir Richard, was formerly in the Scots Guards, PRIZES enjoyable social and potato pie supper was held in the Runcorn Liberal Club on Wednesday. During the evening there was a presentation of prizes for the billiard handicap. The cup and the first prize were handed to Mr. Eric Richardson, whose father won the trophy 30 years ago.

Others who received prizes were Messrs. W. Flennay, J. Rawlinson, and A. Butterworth.

GARSTON DISTRICT ACCIDENT AT THE Wednesday, Richard Patterson aged 46, residing at 15 Hughestead Grove, Garston, an employe at the Garston Docks, was struck on the head by a sling of timber. He was taken to Garston hospital and was detained suffering from severe abrasions and shock. Upon enquiry at the hospital (yesterday) he was reported to be "comfortable." STREET Tuesday morning, a schoolboy named Patrick Brettaand, aged it, residing at 54 Speke Gardens, was knocked down by a motor car in Chapel Road. He was taken to Garston Hospital suffering from an injury to the left knee. After attention he was able to proceed home.

FOUND Thursday morning William Owen Davies, aged as, was found dead in bed at his home 91 Chesterton Street, Garston. The deceased was a checker employed at Garston Docks. He was married about ten months ago and about four months later his wife died. This appeared to have greatly affected his health. He was a member of the Woodcutters' Club and a fine ateist and was greatly selected, MISCELLANY Yield not thy neck to fortune's yoke, but let thy dauntless mind still ride in triumph over all Progressive stages! If a motorist passing through St.

Helens disobeys the halt sign he will most likely have to pay five bob (that is the usual fine); coming through Widnes he will find his error cost him ten bob; crossing the transporter into Runcorn, he will perforce have to pay a quid for a similar lapse. The Rev. J. G. Tiarks has already made himself popular with the children in his new parish of St.

Helens. When he visited the Church Schools he told the children that when they met him in the street they could call him Uncle John." he would know then that they belonged to the Parish Church. One little chap pondered over the Uncle John business, and when he got home told his parents of the vicar's visit. "He must think he's on the was the lad's comment. It was stated this week that the estimated cost to Liverpool of the air I raid precautions was The December statistics for atmospheric pollution shows Widnes again in a bad light though there are other stations (Glasgow Cross, and Westminster) with higher figures.

At the Moor Lane, Widnes station the solids deposited were equivalent to 93.07 tons per square mile; and at the Isolation Hospital station the equivalent was 33.36 tons per square mile. The Hunts Cross and Woolton Ratepapers' Association have written to the chief constable protesting against the low and unnecessary flying by aeroplanes over the built-up portion of Hunts Cross, particularly at the weekends. A magnificent specimen of a blue budgerigar was seen on Wednesday afternoon flying underneath the roof of the South Liverpool grandstand. As it was, it was liverton and not South Liverpool, who "got the bird." Some specimens of Crown Derby pottery adorned a rag-gatherer's cart in Allerton this week. The Great Harwood team, who visited the South Liverpool ground on Saturday were interested in the proximity of the Liverpool Airport, particularly as Speke was given preference over a site visited by Air Ministry officials in their own district.

A Present veteran cricketer, Councillor J. P. Preston, and a member of a family of cricketers well known on Merseyside grounds has been presented with a testimonial in recognition of forty years' service as secretary of the Prescot C.C. Herr von Ribbentrop, the German Abassador. travelling from Ruston as Mr.

Smith," was met by Lord Derby at Mossley Dill Station yesterday, on his purely private visit to Knoush.y Hall. Runcoru's cup defeat has been the sensation of the town. Shop blinds were down on course it was the half holiday! Harry Shaw, the Runcorn boxer, is engaged in the principal bout at a tournament in Ormskirk on Monday night. GAS SAVES WORK Modern Washing Appliances An interesting demonstration of washing appliances is being held this week at the Showrooms in Widnes Road of the Gas Department of the Widnes Corporation. The principle appliances are the Dean washing machines, of which there are three models, The pans, which are of 10-gallons, 12-gallons arcd 13-gallons capacity, are made of copper with an inside covering of tin, which ensures absolute cleanliness, while the outside casing is in porcelain in all VI fashionable shades.

The gadget which takes all the drudgery out of the household bugbear, washing run on ball bearings and is extremely easy to work. The dirty clothes are put into the washer, the water heated to a correct temperature and the handle of the agitator given a number of half turns during which the water is squeezed gently through the clothes, loosening the dirt in a remarkably short time. Only the very dirty and greasy articles need gentle soaping and rubbing. Attached to the washer is a substantial rubber wringer with a twoway outlet, so that it can be used either way, and it can take the heaviest blanket with the same ease that it takes the smallest articles. Other points about the washers are the outlets for spent products, a powerful gas burner with condensation tray, which prevent all condensation appearing and discolouring the floor; a drawoff trap, chromium finished with ebonized handle.

The washer is fitted to the gas supply with a flexible tube, so that it can be moved to any position convenient for use, and then put out of the way when finished a boon in small houses! When not in use, the washer takes up very little space, and having a clean looking white porcelain top, is, in fact, an attractive piece of furniture. In connection with these demonstrations it is interesting to note the other gas appliances which are always in stock at the gas irons and the useful cabinet dryer, which has been a great asset. There have been crowds outside watching the demonstrations through the windows, but quite a number have overcome their shyness to the extent of maknig a closer inspection, Miss Rushton is a charming and interested demonstrator and she has been delighted with the enthusiasm shown. Already ten washers have been sold. The demonstrations will conclude to-da (Friday).

NEW CITY Annie Cain of 12 Thirlatane Street, Aigbartb, has been elected councillor for Brunswick Ward in the Liverpool City Council to fill the vacancy recently created by the elevation of Councillor Lawrence King to the aldermanic bench. Mrs. Cain was DEATHS AND FUNERALS Mrs. E. Drinkwater, Widnes The death occurred on Wednesday last week of Mrs.

Rlizabetn Drinkwater, of 73 Davies Street, Widnes. Sevent', is ut age, Mrs. Dr.nkwater was well-known West Bank figure and had rested in that district ow the past It ear, Tiie funeral was at the lkwough Cemetery on Saturday and was preceded by a service in the St. Mary's Parish Church. Widnes.

the Rev. W. F. I'. Chadwick, M.A., (Vicar) officiating, The hymn Rock of Ages" sung by the congregation to the organ accompaniment of Sister James.

The chief mourners were Mrs. Whitfield, Mrs. Gregson, daughters; Mr. G. Whitfield and Mr.

A. Gregson, sonsin-law; Masters P. Whitfield, A. Gregson, W. Gregson, R.

Gregson, grandsons; Mr. R. Drinkwater, Mr. T. Drinkwater, brothers-in-law; Mrs.

A. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, nieces and nephew. The general mourners included Mr.

and Mrs. A. Atherton, Mrs. L. and Mrs.

R. Gregson. The bearers were: Messrs H. Hesketh, R. Gregson, J.

Howard, W. Gregson, F. Smith, and J. Kelly. Wreaths and floral tributes were sent by: Nellie and George; Alice and Ted; Grandchildren; Ellen and Phillys and familv; Mr.

and Mrs. Atherton; Polly and Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilcox; Mrs.

C. Caldwell; Hetty; Mr. and Mrs. Snape; Mrs. Gregson and Willie; Raymond and Cyril; Mr.

and Mrs. Nfolyneaux; Neighbours of Bank Harriet and Molly; Neighbours of James Street (wreath and flower vase); Mrs. Mason; St. Mary's Bible Class; Lily and Ralph; Rafe and Alice; littty and Joe; Mr. and Mrs.

H. Atherton; Janie and Sam. Mrs. A. C.

Palmer, Runcorn The funeral of Mrs. Ada Calvert Paluier, of 2 Stonehills Cottages, Runcorn, took place at the Runcorn Cemetery on Saturday when the Rev. K. F. Atkinson officiated.

Mrs. Palmer, who was 87 years of age, was the of the late Mr. George Edward Telmer who passed away about seven years ago. Both were natives Bury-St. Edmonds and came to Runcorn the Ship Canal WJS under construction.

Mrs. lalmer, who had nad a long illness, is survived by three suns and four daughters. The mourners were Messrs George Palmer. Robert Palmer, and Wiliam Palmer, sons; Mrs. W.

Astbury, and Mrs. H. Rosenberg, daughters; Mr. H. Rosenberg, son-in-law; Mrs.

G. Palmer, Mr. Edward Rosenberg, and Mr. A. bightf(xu, grandi-ons; Mass Doris Palmer, Mrs.

G. Davies iManchester) and Mrs. J. grand-daughters. Mr.

W. Horabin. Runcorn The funeral took place at the Runcorn Cemetery on Saturday of Mr. William Valentine Horabin of 18 Cawdor Street, Runcorn. whose death occurred rather suddenly on the 'previous Wednesday.

Mr. Horabin, wno was 57 years of age, was a native ot Widnes but had resided in Runcorn for 23 years. He was employed at the I Boltons Copper Works, Widnes, where Ihe had 28 years' service to his credit. He is survived by his wife, three sons and two daughters. The last rites were conducted by the Rev.

Canon H. N. Perrin, the mourners Mrs. Horabin, wife; Messrs Harry, Albert and William Horabin, sons; Mrs. S.

Harvey and Mrs. J. Bowman daughters; Messrs S. Harvey and J. Bowman, sons-in-law; Master Ronnie Horabin and Master Edward Horabin, grandsons; Mrs.

H. florabin, Mrs. F. Horabin, and Mrs. W.

Horabin, daughters-in-law; Messrs Joseph Ormson, William Ormson, Tom Ornison, John Ortnson, Albert Prince, and Robert Lanceley, brothers-in-law; Mrs. W. Orison, Mrs, T. Orison, Mrs. P.

Orison, Mrs, A. Prince, Mrs. A. Ravenscroft, and Mrs. R.

Lanceley, sisters-in-law; Mrs. A. Ford and Mrs. H. White, nieces; and Messrs Entwhistle, Dutton, Tom Worth, Cooper, Bowman and Brown.

Soltons works were represented by Mr. R. Griffiths, a number of workmates including Mr. Brown being present. The following workmates acted as bearers Messrs Proffitt, Grinton, Rat.

cliffe, F. Oultram, A. Oultram and W. Leather. Wreaths and floral tributes were sent by Wife; Harry, May and grandsons; Albert, Florrie and grandchildren; Lottie and Stanley; Joe, Gladys and Alma; Willie and Agnes and son; Wanche, Albert and and Charlie; Bill and Gertie; Charlotte and Bob; Hannah and family; Tom, Harriet and family; John.

Florrie and family; Mr. Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Bowman; Hilda and Alf; Mr. and Mrs.

Harrop Mr. and Mr F. Walker; Mr. and Mrs. J.

Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Looker and friends; Mona and Alec; Agnes, Wilne and family; Soltons Fellow Workmates; Mr. and Mrs. Cooper; and grandson John and niece Agnes.

Mrs. E. Ashbrook, Runcorn The funeral of I. Ashbrook, who was formerly well-known in Runcorn took place at the Runcorn Cemetery on Friday, her death having occurred at the home of her daughier, Mrs. J.

Speakman of Ilighville Road, Childwall. Mrs. Ashbrook, who was ft 2 years of age, was the widow of the tate Mr. Alfred Ashbrook of Runcorn. The mourners were Mrs.

J. Speakman, daughter; Mrs. Worrall, and Mrs. Parry, Mr. Parry, brother-in-law; Mr.

G. Worrall, nephew; Mrs Owen, Mrs. Jaft, and Mrs. Gladden (Crewe), nieces; Mr. and Miss Lloyd (Liverpool), Mrs.

Chadwick (Warrington), Mr. and Mrs. Mayer (Woodford), Mr. and Mrs. Bowytr (Prodsham).

Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Moore (Manchester) and Mrs. Lunt. Mrs.

A. Leather, Halebank The death occurred on Monday of last week at her residence 10 Halegate Road, Halebank, of Mrs. A. Leather. The deceased lady who was in her 63rd year was the widow of the late Mr.

Joseph Leather of Halebank. Mrs. Leather was born at Runcorn but moved to Halebank at the age of 7 and she had resided there ever since. She was well-known in the district and was for many years caretaker of Halebank Methodist Chapel, where a service was held on Friday last before the interment at Hale Parish Church. The Rev.

A. Ewart Riley officiated at both services, aud gave a very touching address in which he spoke of Mrs. Leather's long association with Halebank and how she would be missed, and said he hoped when he died he would be spoken of as kindly as she had been Mrs. P. Smith officiated at the organ and the hymns "Jean.

the very thovght of Thee." and "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," Were sung. The chief mourners were Mr. R. Leather. son; Miss L.

Leather. daughter; Mrs. R. Leather. daughter; sr.

3. Yentsley. brother; Miss Yearsley, sister; Master L. Yearsley, grandson; Mr. W.

Yearsley, and Mr. G. Holmes, nephews; Mrs. Holmes, Miss Vera Yearsley and Miss Joyce Yearsley, nieces; Councillor and Mrs. P.

Hanley, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawrenson, Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs T.

Shakeshaft, Mrs. Hallam, and Mr. J. Gregory. The bearers were Messrs G.

Bailey. C. F. Holmes, G. Wright, W.

Billington, S. Pryce. Wreatbs and floral tributes were sent by the following: Son, Daughters and daughter-in-law; grandchildren; brother John, Doris, Bert, Elsie and Jim (Halifax); All at 15 Alban 4 )ail; Fred, Alice, Winnie, George, Eric and Alice; Jack. Nel: and Hubert; Mrs. Barnett and family; Mr.

and Mrs. S. Leather; Mrs. D. Billington; Mr.

and Mrs. C. Bailey; Mr. and Mrs. G.

Lawrenson; Mr. and Mrs. R. Naylor and Miss Leonard; Eddie and Nance; Trustees and Congregation of Hale. bank Methodist Chapel; 51r, and Mrs.

W. Bent and Aerie; Church End Farm Hale; Mr. and Mrs. G. Kirby; Nurse Turton; Miss Taylor (Widnes); Mrs.

W. Bee and Billie; Mr. and Mrs. Eccleston (We); Mrs. Caffery, Beatty and Louie; Mrs.

Viggers and Eva; Mr. and Mrs. Pryer; Mrs. Fletcher and family Mrs. Holmes and Maggie; Mr.

and Mrs H. Wright; few friends, Ifalebank Mrs. Ravenscroft (Birkenhead); Mrs. Harrison, Betty and Leslie. Mrs.

Frances Low, Widnes The funeral took place on Saturday at the Borough Cemetery Widnes, ot Mrs. Frances Low of 49 Alder Avenue, Widnes. The deceased lady was the widow of the late Mr. Sidney Low who passed away in April last. Mrs.

Low was a native of barnworth where she resided practically the whole of her life. Of a cheerful disposition she made many friends and was always ready with a kind word for those in trouble. Mrs. Low will be greatly missed by those who had the pleasure of her valued friendship. The deceased lady, who was 65 years of age, missed away on the previous Tuesday.

The Rev. J. Pike officiated at the graveside. The chief mourners included Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs.

lifilard, Miss Eaton, Mrs. Mercer, Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Grundy, sisters; Mr. Davies and Mr.

brothers-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, Miss Millard, Miss slercer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer, Mr.

Harold Mercer. Misses Fanny and Phyllis Davies, and Misses Freda and Mona Eaton. nieces and nephews; Mrs. Fleet and Miss Harding, cousins. The general mourner; included Mrs.

Clark and Leslie Clark, Miss Mildred lioughton7Mr. and Mrs. Leach and Mr. Johnson. The bearers were Messrs Jack Eaton, Stanley Eaton, Leonard Eaton, Teddy Davies, Harry Mercer, and Bert Hunt.

Miss Mary Hough. Runcorn The funeral of Miss Mary Hough of 113 Percival Lane, Runcorn, took place at the Runcorn Cemetery on Saturday when the Rev. W. F. Good officiated Miss Hough, who was 25 years of age, was at work until a fortnight previous to her death.

The mourners included Mr. and Mrs. T. Hough, aunt and uncle; and Mr. S.

F.astup Junior, cousin. Wreaths and floral tributes were sent by: Uncle Tom, Aunt Jessie and Neighbours of Percival Lane; Mrs. Millington and Mrs. Gibbs (The Ifolloway); Mr. and Mrs.

lioden; Miss J. Kirkham; Ctn, Flo, Stan, and Sam; Uncle Sid and cousin. Mr. J. Layland, Runcorn The funeral of Mr.

John Layland of 19 Mill Street, Runcorn, took place at the Runcorn Cemetery on Saturday, his sudden death being the subject of an inquest which was reported in our last issue. Mr. Layland, who was 72 years of age, had seldom complained of ill health and his passing came as a great shock to his family and many friends. He had been married nearly fifty year, and have celebrated his golden wedding in October. He was a retired Waterman and an old Runcornian.

He was one of the founders of the Runcorn Grappling Coma and helped considerably in the good work carried oat by that body. Mr. Layland was of a quiet and retiring disposition, but was always ready with a kind word and helping hand. Naturally, he will be best remembered among the older generation, his father being well-known as the licensee of the "Ship Inn" at Brow, when Runcorn was an important port. He is survived by his wife, five sons and four daughters.

Prior to the interment, a service was conducted at the home by Mr. S. Towers the mourners singing the hymn Jesu, Lover of my soul." The last rites at the graveside were conducted by the Rev. Rathbone the mourners including Messrs Samuel, Min, James and Cyril Layland, sons; Messrs H. Lovatt, J.

Clarke, H. Taylor, and A. Ellis. sons-in-law; Mr. Joseph Layland, brother; J.

Shallcross and 0. Hughes, brothers-in-law; and many friends. Members of the R.A.0.11. of which Nlr. tint wac a mewl attended the funeral, six acting as bearers.

Mr. G. Rutter, Runcorn The funeral of Mr. George Rutter, of 24 Wellington Street, Runcorn, took place at the RIIIICOIII Cemetery on Saturday, the date of his 49th birthday. Mr.

Rutter passed away at the Northern Hospital, Liverpool. on the previous Tuesday. Ile was a native of Warrington, where he was in business as a dairyman for some years. Ile served in India during the war after which he came to reside in Runcorn, where he worked for Mr. W.

Davey for a few years. Later he became employed as a motor driver for the Kemet Works. Mr. Rutter was a member of the Runcorn branch of the British Legion. The service was conducted by the Rev.

F. Good, the mourners including Mr. and Mrs. Ratcliffe (Warrington) and Mrs. Worrall, brother-in-law and sisters; Mrs.

Roarke, sister-in-law; Miss Worrall and Mrs. Rogers, nieces; and Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. F.

Jones, Miss Jones. Mr. H. Hulse, and Miss B. Jones.

Six motor drivers from the Kemet Works acted as bearers. Mr. F. E. Wilkes, Runcorn The funeral of Mr.

Francis Edwin Wilkes, of 19 Cornwall Avenue. Runcorn, took place at the Runcorn Cemetery on Wednesday, his death occurring at the Chester Royal Infirmary after a very brief illness. Mr. Wilkes, who was 55 years of age, was well known an Runcorn. He had been in the employ of Mr.

W. 11. Davey for the past 21 years. The late rites were conducted by the Rev. W.

Fletcher Fleet, the mourners including Mrs. Wilkes, wife; Miss S. Wilkes. daughter; Messrs. H.

C. Wilkes and E. W. Wilkes, spas; Messrs. Albert Wilkes and Willie Wilkes.

brothers; Mrs. C. Wilkes, rs L. Wilkes and Mrs. A.

Horsefield, sisters-in-law; Messrs. H. Clark, W. Clark, A. Edwards, J.

Horsefield and P. Edwards, brothers-in-law Miss A. Edwards, niece; Mr, C. Wilkes, ephew; Mr. and Mrs.

Millington, uncle apd aunt; Mrs. N. DAM, cousin; and Mr. E. Done.

Mr. S. Ballinger and Mr. W. H.

Davey. Among the fral women were a num ber of fel workmen, including the following eight be Messrs. Kelway, Darwell, Dobson, Hurst, J. Oilier, H. Oilier, S.

Mottram and U. Williams. Wreaths and floral tributes were sent by: Wife and family; Albert. Lily and family; Willie, alien and family; Cissie and Cecil; Ada, Jack and the boys; Lily, Peter and Alice; Harry, May and Margaret; Jack, Rttie and the children; Rill and Lily; Aunt Maggie and Uncle Sam; Aunt Liuie and family; Aunt Sarah, Nellie, Melzar and Joe; Albert; Mr. and Mrs.

Done and family; Mr. and Mrs. Davey; Mr. and Mrs. Kelway; workmates and friends: Mrs.

Handles and family; Mrs. Campbell, Don, John and Ethel; Mr, and Mrs. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. Dutton and Dorothy; Mr.

and Mrs. Britland and George and Harold; Mr. T. Robinson and sons; Geoff; Ivy Wilkes; Stan and all at 40 Leinster Gardens; Mr. and Mrs.

Haddock, Doreen and Allan; all at 18 Waterloo Road; jack Trevor; and Mr. and Mrs. Whitby. Mr. Sant, Sutton Weaver The death of Mr.

Alfred Sant, of Station Terrace, Sutton Weaver, occurred rather suddenly on Friday last, lie had been in failing healin for some time, but the end was mat anticipated so soon, lie bad attained the age of 69 years. In August last year lie and Mrs. Sant celebrated their golden wedding. For the past 38 years lie had resided in Sutton Weaver. Previous to his retirement a few years ago, Mr.

Sant had been in the employ 01 the L.M.S. Railway Co. for 45 years, mostly on work between Runcorn and Sutton Weaver. For 36 years he was a member of the Parish Council, holding office as chairman for several years. For about IS years he was the local secretary of the Preston Brook branch of the N.C.R.

and in recognition of his valued services he had been presented with a walking stick, and Mrs, Sant with an umbrella. For a large number of years be was member of the R.A.0.8., at one time I acting as secretary for the Allen Dutton. Whilst a member of the Victory Lodge, Halton, he attained the rank of K.U.31. Owing to his many public activities he was very widely known, and his quiet, pleasing, person. ality won for him a large circle of friends.

He leaves a wife, two sons, and five daughters. The funeral took place at St. Peter's Church, Acton, on Wednesday afternoon. Prayers and the hymn "Abide with me" were included in the service at the house. The hymn "Rock of ages was sung at the church, with bliss Si.

Berry presiding at the organ. The last rites were performed by Rev. A. Gray Jones (Vicar). The chief mourners were: Mrs.

A. Sant, wife; Messrs. Alfred Sant and William Sant, sons; Miss Kate Sant, Mrs. Mrs. Gunn, Mrs.

Harrington and Mrs. Hayes, daughters; Mrs. A. Sant, Mrs, Witham Sant, daughters-in-law; Mr. Farraw, Mr.

Gunn and Mr. H. sons-in-law; (Mr. Harrington, son-inlaw, was unavoidably absent); Mrs. Haines and Mrs.

sisters; Mrs. Sant, sister-in44w; Mr. said Mrs James Maddock (Bostock), Mrs. Jack Maildues. (Alderley), Mr.

Edwin Maddock (Crewe), brothers-in law and sisters-in-law; Master Allred Payes, grandson; the Misses Gladys Sant and Freda Sant, grand-daughters; Mr. Reginald Maddock, nephew. Others present were: Mr. E. 13elibington (secretary, representing the N.U.R.), Mr.

T. Littler, Mr. J. Hine, Mr. S.

Clarke Mr. S. Potts, Mr. A. Potts, Mr.

W. Lightfoot, Miss 11. Ilensliall, Nlrs. Kinsey, Mrs. Wallin, Mrs.

Garnett and Nfr, Geo. Woolley. The bearers were: Messrs. H. Hayes, G.

Antrobus, U. Rebbington and G. Hartwell. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. C.

Myers of Runcorn. Mrs. E. E. Joynson, Widnes The death occurred on Sunday of Mrs.

Edith Ellen Joynson, aged 73 years, of 14 White Street, Widnes. The deceased who was well-known in the West Bank district of Widnes, was one of the oldest members of the Mothers' Meeting and the Bilie Class at the St. Mary's Church, Widnes. At the funeral at the Borough Cemetery on Wednesday, the Rey. W.

F. P. Chadwick. M.A. (Vicar) conducted the last rites, prior to which there was a service at St.

Mary's Church, the Bey. F. H. Marshall, B.A. who officiated, paying an eloquent tribute to ithe religious and spiritual life of Mrs.

Joynson. The hymn, "Peace, perfect peace" was sung to the organ accompaniment of Sister James. The chief mourners were: Messrs William Joynson, James Joynson, Simnel Joynson, sons; Mrs. H. Thomas, Mrs.

D. Hewitt, daughters; Mr. Barker, brother; Mr. J. Thomas, Mr.

H. Thomas Mr. B. Toad, grandsons; Mrs. B.

Vont', Miss R. Thomas, Miss G. Miss M. J. Hewitt, grand-daughters; Mr.

H. Thomas, Mr. D. Hewitt, sons-in-law: Mrs. S.

Joynson, daughters-in-law; Mrs. P. Connolly (Frodiham), The general mourners included Mrs, J. Travers, Mrs. W.

Wilkinson. Mrs. G. Minshull, Mrs. J.

French, Mrs. J. Price. The bearers were Messrs H. Fower, F.

Beswitk, J. Travels, T. Davies, R. Yates, A. Baker, Mr.

W. Jones, Runcorn Much regret has been expressed at the passing of Mr. Walter Jonel of Bettisfield, Clifton Road, Runcorn, who died on Friday at the age of 46 years. Although he had been ailing for nearly a year, Mr. Jones W3i confined to his bed for only a fortnight before his death.

After serving his apprenticeship as a boilermaker at the Sprinch Yard, Runcorn, Mr. Jones was transferred to the Old Quay Yard of the Manchester Ship Canal Company where lie has served for many years. Ile was closely connected with the Halton Road Methodist Church, where he was member of the choir and as a mason was member of the St. George's Lodge (Wallasey). Among other activities in which he was interested was the annua: Runcorn Festival, and he did much good work as a member of the conunittee.

Mr. Jones, who leaves a wife and daughter, was a brother to Mr. 'r. A. Jones, the Runcorn V.C.

The first part of the service was in the Halton Road Church 3y the Rev. R. F. Atkinson who also officiated at the graveside. The mourners joined in the singing of the hymns "0 for a closer walk with God" and In heavenly love abiding." Mr.

George Moorefield was at the organ. The included Mrs. W. Jones, wife; Miss G. Jones, daughter; Mr.

T. A. Jones, V.C., brother; Mr. and Mrs. Turton, brother-in-law and sister; Miss C.

Wheat, sister-in-law; Messrs T. H. Wheat, G. Wheat, H. H.

R. Wheat, and I). Lightfoot, brothersin-law; Mr. J. Wheat, nephew; Mrs.

C. Lightfoot and Mrs. F. Lightfoot, nieces; Mr. and Mrs.

J. Fearnet and Mr. and Mrs. Perkins. cousins.

Among the general mourners were Mr. and Mrs. S. Prodsham and Miss Frodshant, Mr. Walter Shaw, Mr.

B. Clarke. Mr. Spearing, Mr. J.

Goodier, Mr. Bert Aston, Mr. B. Lewis, Mr. Pilgrim, Mr.

Moodield senior, Mr. S. Peers Mr. H. Ramo is, Mr.

Rolland, Mr. Edge, Ur. S. Walker. Mrs.

Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Larrul, and Povey. Mts. Cawley.

The Masonic Lodges were represented by Mr. John Clare and Mr. J. Lightfoot. The bearers were Messrs G.

Armstrong, J. Mill, and J. Ramon (representing Halton Road Choir) and L. Tonks, J. Reynolds.

and P. Pegh (representing the Boilermakers Society). Wreaths and floral tributes were mit by: Sorrowing Wife and Daughter; Emily and David; Brother Tom; Maud and Clara, Tom and Herbert; All at 9 Lein der Street; Alfred. Jock and Clara; Tom and Home; Charlie and family; Bertha, Fred and Dorothy; Bob and live; Morrie. John and Fred; Mr.

and Mrs. S. Frod4tam and family; Willie, Nellie and Ruth; Mrs. C. C.

Horton and family; Lydia and Bee; Harry and Edith Worra7l; Mr. and Mrs. Spearing; Mr. and Mrs. Hilditch; Miss Oliver; Mrs.

Barker and Janie; Bernard. Mabel and Sybil; Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowlands anti family; Mr.

and Mrs. 11. Clarke. Stratliallen, Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. II Widen; Mabel, Jim and l'red, Lottie and Him Aston; Mr. and Mrs. and Lilian; Mr.

and W. Gregory; Mr. and Frank Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd and Miss Edwards; Halton thodist Choir; Mrs.

Mt-Dowel; Wimshipful Master and Officers St. George Lodge No. 37M; Ilitilermakers. Branch; and Employees Manchester Ship Crnal. Mrs.

A. Tuson, Hale The death took place on Monday at her daughter's Fir Liverpoo. Road, Hough Green, of Mrs. Annie Tusois, widow of the late Mr. T.

R. .4 Rpwortb, Tows Lane, Seventy-six years .4 age, Mrs. Tosco, who was exceedingly well-known in the Hale and Ilalebank districts was formerly Miss Annie of Woolton, her father owning the Wooltou Quarry that supplied the Liverpool Cathedral and the Wooltuu Methudiit Church with sandstone. A strong methodist, Mrs. Tustin helped her husband at the founding of the cause at Hale.

bank, and the Halebank Chapel will be always associated with their joint names. Mr. and Mrs. Toson celebrated their golden wedding in August, 1136. and Sir.

Tason only predeceased his wife by some three weeks. The funeral at Parnworth Churchyard yesterday was preceded by a service in the Halebank Chapel, the Rev. A. H. officiating.

Mr. Daftly presided at the organ, and provided the accompaniment for the hymn, Jeso, Lover of my sold." The chief mourners were Mr. P. Tuson son; Mr. A.

Taylor, son-inla Mrs. BUITOWS, sister; MT. C. filVrT, brother; Messrs F. Town, R.

Tuson J. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. J. brothers-in-law and sister-inlaw; Mr.

and Mrs. H. nephew and niece; and Mr. T. Kinnear, cousin.

Included in the general mourners were Alderman G. J. Baguley, Mr. F. Hopkins, Miss Hopkins, Mr.

and Mrs. W. Duffty, Mr. and Mrs. S.

lltiffty, Gilhody. Mrs. Bee, Mrs. Henry Booth, Mr. Hignett, Mrs.

Bailey, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. J. Viggars, Mrs. A.

Viggars, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Whitfield and others. The bearers were Messr: J. Wright, R.

Bee, A. Hill, J. Potter. J. Williams, S.

Hall. Wreaths and floral tributes were sent Fred. Amy and the children; Mary. Arthur and the children; Joan and Margaret; Jane. Mary and Woe; Charlie Harry.

and May; Dick and RFa; Kit and lee; Tom and Annie; Mr. Bagu ley and Gladys; Mrs. Crowe and Nellie; Mr. and Mrs. A.

H. Bers'ey Mr. and Mrs. W. Fccleiton; Toni and Peggy; Mr.

Herbert Ragulev Trustees and Congregation (Halebank Chapel); the Workmen; The Workmen (ittyton) Mrs. M. Parton, Widnes The death occurred on Monday last week of Mrs. Margaret Millicent Parton, of 33 Wright Street, Widnes. The deceased lady was at years of age.

The funeral took place at the Borough Cetpetery, Widnes. on Thursday last. A service, to the interment was held in St. Mary's Church. the Rev.

W. F. P. Chadwick officiating. The mourners were: Mr.

Ernest Parton, husband; Masters Ernest Parton, Stanley Parton, William Parton and Harry Parton, sons; Mr. William McFall, Mr. Steven McFall. brothers; Mrs. Thomas Mrs.

Charlie Newport, sisters; MM. J. Benbow, Mrs. A. Ireland, Mr.

and Mrs. T. Parton, Mr. and Mrs. W.

Parton, Mrs. William McFall, Mn. Steven McFall, Mr. T. Charleannes Mr.

C. Newport and Mrs. Sarah McFall, brothers-in-law and sisters-inlaw; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Holt.

Mrs. Albert Jones, Miss J. McFall, McFall Master Donald McFall, M. McFall, Mrs. James Wood, Ms.

Reece Johnson, nephews and Mean; Mr. Tom Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Hankey.

The bearers were: Messrs. Albert Jones, Jack Ireland, Harry Benham, James Wood, Pre Benbow and Ernest Ireland nephews. Wreaths and floral tributes were sent by: Husband and children; William. Rachel and family; Mr. and Mrs.

Steven McFall; May, Tom and family; Mary, Charlie and Freddie; Sam. Nellie and family; Joe. Clara and family; Bill and Nellie; Tom, Ethel and family Mrs. A. Ireland; Albert, Linda and family; Sarah and family; Ethel and Tom Davies; Ham and Lillie; lack and Julia; Nellie and lita: Ivy and Jack; Sam.

Doris and liab Bessie, John and family; Hanna; Joe. Nellie and Roy; MTS. Rawlinscm and friends in Rtincorn; Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and family; Mr.

and Mrs. Littler; Ethel; the neighbours of Wright Street; and Doris, Joan and Mrs. Gelling. MISS SUTTON. HALIBANK At the funeral of Miss Sutton, Halebank, reported last week, Misa Evans and Miss Angus were among those who sent wreaths.

Railway Excursions The L.N.E.R. will run buffet-car escursions from Farnworth on Sunday Sheffield, Rotherham. )Lem borough, Doncaster. Goole and Hell. on Sunday week (28th February).

'to Sheffield, Chesterfield. Nottingham. Loughborough, Leicester, Ki kby-in-Ashfield, Stitton-iuand Mansfield. Trips also have been arranged from Farnworth for the to Barnsley, York, Middlesbrough West Hartlepool. Sunderland, South Shields, asd Newcastle, and for both Sundays to Manchester.

In connection with the British Industries Fair at Birmingham L.M.S. announce cheap day excursion bookings to Castle Bromwich from Rue corn on February 23rd. 24th, and 25th. On Starday special half-day excursies trains will run from Runcorn to Coventry. Rugby.

Shrewsbury, Church Stretton, Ludlow, Leominster, Hereford, Crewe, Stafford. Dudley Port and Birmingham and from Farewartk (C.L.C.) to Chinley. Male, Hathersage, Grindleford, Derby, Nottimcbam and Leicsaner. There will be special half-day 'mansions from Runcorn to Lowden on Wednewlay, February 24th, and Saw day, February 27th. PAGE SEVEN SI FEBRUARY 19th 1937 sr.

Tuve. Mr. S. Walker. Mrs.

Posey. WEEKLY NEWS FEBRUARY 19fh 1937.

Runcorn Weekly News from Runcorn, Cheshire, England (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.