May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (2024)

May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (4)


On May 20, Gemini season begins. The sign of the twins craves stimulus, detests boredom and ensures that we are in for an entertaining ride

TextGrace McGrade

Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” For more astrology, read her guide to risings signs and moon signs. Read an overview of what 2024 has coming up for us this year here.

After the flair-ups and fall-outs of Eclipse season, we finally have the time to slow down, rejuvenate and smell the roses. May opens in Taurus season and we are seeking security and simplicity, refining our most heartfelt desires for the month ahead. The Sun in the sign of the Bull amplifies our senses, making us artistically inclined, romantic and occasionally lazy. An inherent curator, the sign of Taurus assembles a life worth living, opting for fancy fabrics and flattering lighting, seeking out surroundings that enrich our experience of the physical. Like sinking into a plush bed after a hard day, May offers us momentary respite and the room to establish our roots.

Last month, a slew of new beginnings were incited as we embarked on new terrain, occasionally overwhelmed by new probabilities and potentials. The Solar Eclipse brought new environments, jobs, relationships and projects into our lives, kicking off a six-month cycle. Thankfully, Mercury is direct this month, and we can utilise the groundedness of Taurus placements to determine the potential projects worth executing. If Aries begins things, the sign of Taurus finds the most fruitful field and stays put, using the power of attraction, artistry, sensuality and taste. While Aries energy starts, Taurus sustains, and May is the time to decipher which manifestations we want to see come to fruition.

Mars continues to activate the changes we started last month, traversing the Eclipse territory in the headstrong sign of Aries. We continue to crave independence, calibrated to new personal missions, practicing forthright honesty and assertion. Venus entered Taurus on the 29th of April, and we continue to find pleasure through touch and aesthetics this month, which bodes well for beauty rituals, strong stylistic choices and delicious dinners. Venus makes important conjunctions to the nodes of destiny mid-May, ensuring that we stick with those who share our values and make us feel worthy. Our focus is tuned towards beauty, both natural and material, and we crave creature comforts.

A New Moon in the sign of the Bull on the 7th encourages us to play with the principle of attraction, inviting prosperity towards us through written or spoken intention. Although Taurus is a stubborn, slow-moving sign, change awaits on the 25th, when Jupiter (planet of faith and luck) graduates out of the sign of the Bull and moves into Gemini. Jupiter’s transit through Gemini promises excitement, as we are restless and hungry for information, and more flexible to changes. This bodes well for learning new things, switching up our environments and seeking out diverse experiences.

Gemini Season begins on the 20th, illuminating the themes Jupiter in Gemini will expand upon, and showing us the areas we can anticipate luck in over the course of this next year. Our appetite for diverse experiences and intellectual satiation increases, as we strive to implement change. The sign of the Twins is known to follow curiosity over feelings, seeking situations that tell a good story, rather than supply us with safety or security. We should be wary of getting caught in a crossfire of conflicting information, senseless gossip and teenage antics. The sign of Gemini craves stimulus, detests boredom and ensures that we are in for an entertaining ride. Mercury soon follows suit, sparking lively conversations and stimulating new ideas.

A Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd amplifies opinions, making it a rough day to discuss politics or religious outlooks. We are encouraged to eliminate outdated ideas from our world view, and remain open to the surprises Jupiter in Gemini brings. Our vantage points are in need of a revamp, and we are encouraged to remain flexible to other people’s perspectives, learning and listening with open minds. May continues to solidify our need for personal changes, as we continue to crave more independence, assert honest opinions and move in the direction of our deepest desires.

This article was first published 1 May 2024.

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (5)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


With Mars active in your sign, you are rectifying the mishaps brought by Eclipse season, driven and determined. A surge of energy strengthens your resolve for greatness, as you continue to speak up, asserting yourself and assembling the masses as the holy harbinger of the revolution. Every sign has something to learn from your bravery, your dedication for exploration and creative vision. Now is the time to emphatically inflate your self-esteem to the point of delusion, only observing the probability of success.

Taurus season is a revamp of self-worth. It is a call to inspect your talents, strengths and security. What do you need to feel safe? What strange skills can you take ownership of? How can you increase your revenues of earning? Examine which comforts you simply can’t do without, and create new and inventive ways to attract them towards you. As you continue to build a life of your own invention, you have to coddle your vision, curate your vibe and get back to the drawing board. You are the main character of your movie, so decipher the genre and be stubborn about your aesthetic ideals.

Aries Beauty Recommendation: Topicals Slick Salve Mint Lip Balm

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (6)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


Happy Birthday Taurus! It’s a money month, a season of prosperity, as you navigate new timelines with a newfound sense of worthiness. Last month, a powerful alignment between Uranus and Jupiter brought you heightened self-awareness and a new sense of faith. Uranus is the disruptor, inciting new things, rearranging your routines. You are ready for an upgraded life, taking unconventional routes to abundant, fruitful territory. As you navigate these new environments, carry a sense of deserving to be wherever you land, with high self-esteem and an optimistic attitude.

Outdated beliefs, off-putting environments and draining dynamics are all subject to change in the coming season. Use the New Moon on the 7th to trade the old for the new, and set intentions for your upcoming birthday year. While Venus is gracing your sign with romantic attention, you have the ability to magnetise things towards you – so set your sights high. As Jupiter prepares to leave your sign, luck and abundance lands in your sector of finances, inciting a monetary upgrade. This is a byproduct of the changes you have made, since 2020, as you sought simplicity and summoned strength in the face of global adversity. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Taurus Beauty Recommendation: Dr Barbara Sturm Glow Cream

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (7)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


Your time to shine is on the horizon, as Jupiter, planet of blessings and growth, prepares to ingress into your sign. But before that, the Sun is radiating in your sector of the subconscious, emphasising a need for seclusion. Use this interval to purge buried emotions, expunge outdated ideas and evict people from your headspace. Intuitive messages may appear in dreams or from time spent alone, particularly in nature. On the 23rd, Jupiter moves into Gemini, thrusting you into the celestial spotlight. This promises to be one of the luckiest junctures in 12 years, as Jupiter bestows blessings wherever it goes.

You may feel called to explore alternative faiths, as your worldview expands beyond the norm. It’s the perfect time for self-realisation and self-discovery, as well as sharing your bubbly personality with anyone who can keep up. The Full Moon in Sagittarius may bring relationship issues to a tipping point, as it falls into your sector of partners, inflating egos and sparking tempers. As this next phase of your life promises to be a prosperous one, use this Full Moon to decipher who you want accompanying you on the journey.

Gemini Beauty Recommendation: Niod Copper Amino Isolate Serum

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (8)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


May brings your attention to your tribe, as you recalibrate after the tumult of eclipse season. It’s time for you to seek out like-minded individuals, your soul team, compassionate warriors with a heartfelt purpose. This month, it is easy for you to find people who appreciate your artistic sensibilities, who want to engage the senses and experience life’s varied pleasure. You have little patience for fair weather friends, and instead seek to commit to creative projects and joint efforts, all leading you to sharing a valuable message.

This is an ample time to daydream about your ideal direction and collaborate with others. Jupiters ingress into Gemini signifies a slew of spiritual messages for you, as it falls into your sector of the psyche, opening you up to higher realms. You may have animated dreams, surreal psychic downloads or an urge to explore spiritual subjects. Let yourself lean into curiosity and take intermittent breaks from the world at large.

Cancer Beauty Recommendation: SimiHaze Beauty Skin Suede Melting Bronze Balm

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (9)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


May emphasises your professional sphere, as the Sun and Venus move through Taurus, helping you reap rewards for whatever you have been working diligently towards. It’s an ample time to set long-term goals and focus on a picturesque version of your life, imagining how you want it to feel. Whether you want to become a Royal, a Rockstar, or a mere CEO, Taurus season is about generating more confidence. This way, you can attract what you need, from a space of deservingness.

Sure, some days you have to fake it ‘til you make it, but over the past year you have battled imposter syndrome and gotten better at asserting your worth and skillset. New responsibilities and jobs may be on the horizon, particularly collaborative or humanitarian efforts, as Jupiter prepares to anoint your sector of networks. Delegate responsibilities when you have to and don’t be afraid to dream big. This coming month is all about developing a larger vision for yourself, and connecting with co-conspirators on the road to happy destiny.

Leo Beauty Recommendation: Huda Beauty Habibti Eye and Lip Set

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (10)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


Eclipse season may have brought hidden information to the surface, as it incited a rebirth in your sector of intimacy, severing some ties and ushering in new connections. This month, you are pivoting, prompted to depart on a personal journey. Even if you aren’t prepared for a physical “Eat-Pray-Love” moment, metaphorically, it’s already happening. You are seeking out information, changes in vantage points, a renewed perspective and sense of faith. Take this time to explore new beliefs, and opt for rose-tinted glasses.

Come mid-May, professional matters pick up and you will find yourself daydreaming about foreign tides. Jupiter is hanging out in your midheaven, making his mark in your professional sector, ensuring that you will reach professional peaks in the upcoming year. Gemini season encourages you to adjust your schedule, making changes that keep your work-home balanced and comfortable, whilst still going for the gold.

Virgo Beauty Recommendation: CurrentBody LED Face Mask

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (11)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


Taurus season brings the energy you have shared with others to the surface, and you are craving somatic release. Dance, indulge in something delectable and take yourself somewhere scenic. You are resurrecting yourself, going through a rebirth, reminded about your innate ability to find the beauty in everything. Your gift of being able to turn dingy moments into cinematic vignettes is enhanced, as you alchemize the unbearable into the poetic, wearing your scars as exotic tattoos.

Although Eclipse season shot a wrecking ball through your relationship region, new dynamics are being formed. Have patience and perseverance, and try to cultivate a sense of inner stability. A new love language, one of shared values, sensory appreciation and mutual respect, is being born. It’s time to stop undervaluing yourself, and find evidence from within that you are easy to love.

Libra Beauty Recommendation: Topicals Like Butter Hydrating Moisturiser

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (12)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


As Jupiter in Taurus opened the floodgates for new friendships and relationships this past year, you may have picked up a few too many acquaintanceships and find yourself flustered. It’s time to deepen genuine bonds and depart from ones that seldom satiate your need for intense connection. As Taurus rules over your sector of partnership, one-on-one dynamics are highlighted this season. You’ll be seeing coworkers, friends and lovers in a new light. With Mars, your coruler, moving through Aries, you won’t hesitate to assert your opinions when faced with fake friends.

As Venus ushers in more comforting dynamics, Jupiters’ ingress into Gemini lights up your sector of soul-binding intimacy, ending the month in steamy, serendipitous liaisons. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 27th encourages you to think critically about your pocketbook, curtailing your propensity to overspend. Look for collaborators and investors who can come to your aid, particularly creatively. You don’t have to work alone.

Scorpio Beauty Recommendation: Marlou Ambilux

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (13)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


Taurus season grounds you back into your body, encouraging you to strengthen your roots, and assemble a nourishing daily routine. If you can imbue your day-to-day with a sense of romance, infusing mundane tasks with beauty, and you’ll find it easy to stick to a regime. You crave variety and adventure, so sticking to anything for long periods is not your forté, but the Taurus placements can help you reconvene with your body and balance your creative vision with applicable daily action. Try to relax, rejuvenate your nervous system, and take it easy.

Jupiter prepares to ingress into Gemini, your region of partnerships, promising to open doors towards new connections. For the next year, you will find luck and prosperity in your dealings with others, gravitating towards the right contacts at precisely the right time. Akin to having a guardian angel overlooking your region of relationships, finding others to share your journey with will be effortless, as you find those who broaden your horizons. This bodes well for romantic relationships, but also assists you in finding friends, collaborators and happy helpers that share your expansive mindset. The month culminates with a Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd, aiding you in transforming your self-image, so you can enter new dynamics with renewed confidence. Be wary of getting into lively debates on this date, as tempers may be running high. You are learning when to assert your proud opinions, and when to hold back, remaining ambidextrous in your outlook.

Sagittarius Beauty Recommendation: SimiHaze Matte Lipstick Balm

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (14)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


May is your period for pleasure and play, so assemble your own artistic retreat. Themes of self-expression and romance permeate throughout the month, as you lean into leisure, giving yourself permission to indulge in gourmet dining, creative pursuits and romantic liaisons. Rather than guilting yourself about getting back to work, try to utilise this season as a bridge towards connecting with your inner-child. Prioritise playfulness and give yourself permission to invent new forms of fun.

Late May, the focus shifts to wellness and self-improvement, as Jupiter ingresses into Gemini, relaying information on how to find lasting healing in your life. As the Full Moon removes psychological blockages for you, you may find yourself more limber in your approach to new healing modalities, eager to experiment with unconventional methods.

Capricorn Beauty Recommendation: Huda Beauty Wild Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (15)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


May is your moment to find restoration and reprieve from the world at large, as you seek out a safe space to revitalise your genius. Last month, unexpected changes and information about your home or early childhood may have caused a stir, and now is your time to rectify disruption, by committing to comfort. Let yourself savour simple pleasures and cultivate a deeper connection with your immediate surroundings. If you have recently moved, redecorate, and if you haven’t, do it anyway. Your immediate environment is a reflection of your inner world. Make it beautiful. Prosperity will come easier this way.

Jupiter is preparing to ingress into your sector of pleasure and play on the 25th, beginning an important transit for inner-child work, creative expression, and even true love. Use the upcoming season to create a container that will allow you to nourish your heart.

Aquarius Beauty Recommendation: Pai Rosehip Cleansing Oil

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (16)Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein


May offers you a chance to meander on creative visions and ideas, increasing your artistic inspiration, encouraging you to communicate through curation. After a hectic Eclipse season, this is your chance to clear your head, regroup and reground, whilst making important decisions about your direction. With Saturn still stationed in your sign, you are learning time management and the importance of hard work, discerning a purpose that utilises both your intuitive faculties and powerful imagination. This month, rewards are reaped. Writers block dissipates. You know how to perfectly package an idea.

Look out for Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini on the 25th, as it enters your home sector, assisting you in finding your dream-living situation, and lightening the mood with family members. The month culminates with a Full Moon in Sagittarius, alleviating your work schedule, encouraging you to spend more time at home.

Pisces Beauty Recommendation: Dries Van Noten Rock The Myrrh

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May 2024 Horoscope: what Gemini season means for your sign (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.